Poultry & Eggs
Entry Fees: $2 per exhibit, $1 Junior/ Member
Entries Close: 4 PM Wednesday 18th October 2023 or when pens are full.
George Townsend
Poultry / Eggs
0427 920 940
Event Times
All Weekend
Please see the entry forms above for full details
Entry Fees: $2 per exhibit, $1 Junior/ Member
Entries Close: 4 PM Wednesday 18th October 2023 or when pens are full.
Class Details: When detailing the breed of the bird, please also state colour. If entering the junior
competitions, please record age of exhibitor, a junior is an exhibitor up to the age of 12 years at time
of the show.
Entry forms emailed to Show Secretary Rebecca O’Brien – SecretaryMLMS@hotmail.com